Caddo Associates is a full service public affairs firm, specializing in health and human services, economic development, natural resources, transportation, and state appropriations. Our experience includes passage and implementation of some of the largest and most complex pieces of legislation ever passed in Texas, as well as the development of multi-billion dollar appropriations strategies. With over 40 years experience, the Caddo Associates team offers a paramount understanding of the legislative process to assist clients with the advancement of their public policy priorities.
- Ideas can succeed or fail depending on how they are cultivated, communicated, adopted, and implemented. Our team is involved with each stage of issue development and closely monitors some of the state’s most important policy areas. By applying clear strategy and strong communication, Caddo Associates helps clients realize their public policy objectives.
- Effective legislative strategy begins with an idea and ends with successful execution. In order to reach a successful resolution, Caddo Associates employs a comprehensive legislative advocacy strategy on behalf of our clients. Focusing on relationship building, issue positioning, policy briefings, committee monitoring, and strategy execution, Caddo Associates leverages its robust relationships with lawmakers to achieve our clients’ goals.
- Successful execution of a public affairs strategy hinges on the executive branch and its agencies. Our team does not go home when the legislature adjourns. Caddo Associates has fostered strong relationships with executive and agency offices in order to provide our clients with access to key officials in order to ensure precise policy implementation.
- Effectively shaping public policy requires the experience and expertise of knowing when and how to engage with stakeholders, interest groups, and the public. Caddo Associates compliments our clients’ public affairs strategies through grassroots identification, advocacy, and communication.
- Properly marketing an issue or business to the public is key to public policy success. Caddo Associates has assisted both officeholders and companies communicate their public policy priorities through the media.
- The politics behind an issue are often as important as the issue itself, but obtaining accurate and timely political intelligence requires boots on the ground. Through regular communication with legislative staff, officeholders, and other stakeholders, Caddo Associates provides clients with the latest political developments and trends in order to refine their public policy strategy and ensure successful results.